Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Good o' fashioned hang about dying day....

Fine outside playing. What to do? Break out the dye stocks, that's what! I've gone all out, with the not-tooo-worried attitude which I love to spin and dye by. I've dyed off about 6 hanks worth, all in different colours and using different techniques.
This fun bright bundle is a neat combo of blues, pinks and purples dyed with a 'wet n dry' technique which I love as it leaves some areas perfectly white. It's called Sheepychic - "Marrah"...
The second one pictured here is a rainbow dyed Merino roving where I'm aiming for soft, muted multi-coloured shades.
I have long learnt to stop predicting what rovings will look like until the spinning's all done....I don't let myself get too excited. (or disappointed) hehe
Well...a sneak preview...I'll post more pictures as they dry. Maybe I'll spin these up myself, but if anybody wants to spin them up their way Sheepychic hand dyed rovings sell for $10 for the 80gm bundle. I find 80 gms lots fit nicely on my Ashford bobbins. Any rovings or yarn enquiries can be left at
All the very best and thanks for logging into Sheepychic bloggings. Regards, Ruth xx


Kerry said...

Love the purple one and the light pink& green one too...actually love them all!
Thanks for the knitting club offer at ur place this week, unfortunatley got two kiddies with colds. Sleep in and do nothing sounds like a great idea for tomorrow.
Catch up soon xo

Merry Munchkin Designs said...

Can I buy the rainbow one, seeing as I have no time to dye rovings at the moment? I have an idea, and those colours are wicked! Love Tye x P.S Thanks so much for volunteering your house as the venue, you are a superchamp! x

roseys madhouse said...

they look fantastic darl love the way the purple has plain white also

Ruth.... said...'s freaky, isn't it. When you see it all wrapped in the glad wrap you wouldn't think any of it could remain white...I'll spin it up today.

Hand spun yarns web-ring...