Saturday, January 28, 2006

A Sheepychic Hank for Maree

Here is a close up of a section of a hank of wool herein titled...(da-dada-daaaaaaaa) Maree's Hank.

This wool is 100% Merino plied with red thread loaded up with solid gold, emeralds, rubies and please Maree, maybe you should increase your contents insurance before I send it to you!..........( can pretend they're real!) Of course, it's only half finished because I need to run a dye over it and hopefully it will turn out beautifully for your scarf.

Of course, you don't HAVE to knit Monkey-moo (our highly paid professional model) demonstrates. A Sheepychic hank makes a mighty fine wig. You too can have a head of flowing locks....and change your name to 'Inga' or 'Dixie'!! (or at least grab a hairbrush and sing ABBA songs in front of the mirror...c'mon, Maree, we know your secret!!) If a wig or a scarf is not your style, Maree, you could try a turban. Turbans are valued in many countries across the globe for their religious significance...but they are also very handy for carrying small purses, lipsticks and other necessities for an evening on the town. (no more pesky handbags...just pop your goodies in among the yarn and off you go!!) (left) Our super model...Pretty Peach-pip models the ultimate in easy knitting...the no stiches required Turban. Anyway.....keep posted on Stroothless Bloggings and witness the progress of Maree's hank. Hopefully Maree will keep us updated with what she is knitting and Maree's hank can become....(da-dada-daaaaaaaaaa) Maree's Scarf. If not, Maree, at least send us some photos of you out dancing with your Turban or posing with your long locks.... See you all soon...Ruth xxx


Merry Munchkin Designs said...

YOU ARE A LEGEND!!!! Such a way cool post dude!!! Love the wool cannot wait to see the next phase, also where do you get your gorgeous models from??? Go girl, we love and miss you heaps, call me!!!! Love Tye and clan.

Ruth.... said...

Where do I get the gorgeous models from?!?!?! They WON'T GO AWAY!!!(hehe just gaggin')


roseys madhouse said...

I always knew you were clever Ruth but now you are proving it to me with these great photos of your creations, (LOL not just the wool ) we are going to have to catch up real soon your kids are looking far too grown up.
Love ya lots Kath

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