Friday, December 07, 2007

All new Sheepychic... and a Lambzo update.

The Ashford traddie was out today as the children were playing about in the yard. I could tell a couple of extras had popped in over the fence (judging by the noise!) I guess I'm fine with long as their parents know where they are. They enjoyed watching me spin for a little while....
I've been running back and forth a lot out to the line... hanging up freshly dyed rovings and newly spun yarns. hehe... Lambzo is an absolute shadow. It is usually lovely, but at times I was tripping over him... and at one stage shoo-ing him from the kitchen! I couldn't help but drape some yarn over him as he was literally between my feet when I was trying to take shots for the blog. It's a cute photo, I guess... but I like the way the photo shows the quantity of yarn in my hanks.
Oh Lambzo... he had no idea he is a little sheep. He used to hang out all day with his funny flock of children, dogs and a cat. He was very happy, but we were concerned as he wouldn't pick at any grass or hay... but would scoff down on crackers, apples... (even dog food if he could!) He really did need some Sheep role models. Thank goodness there was a welcome place for him with a small flock of 6 at our local historic homestead! Hooray!! Not only can he learn the ins and outs of sheep life but there will be a steady stream of visitors (including us, of course!) for pats and treats! Perfect! (Can you tell I'm trying my best to be brave? I'm missing him terribly... he seems to enjoy being with the sheep, but still runs to me when I call. Awwwww)
Having Lambzo come into our family has been one of the best experiences ever! He is absolutely adorable and so loved! I just can't wait to spin some of his fleece when he's older. Hehe.. Sheepychic O'Lambzo!
To finish up... a sneaky peek at some Sheepychic Rovings. I'll post a few for sale over the next week or two.
All the best, and thanks for logging into Sheepychic Bloggings. Many thanks, Ruth. Any enquiries please email


the changeling said...

Hi Ruth,
thanks for leaving a comment on my blog about the Christmas beetles - (So that's what they are!) They are pretty amazing - as are your gorgeous dyed yarns!

Anonymous said...

Oh Sweetie, it must be so hard for you to let little Lambzo live with the sheep at the Homestead. But from what I have seen, Kerry, (the Alpaca) seems to have really taken him under his wing.

You are much braver than me and he will be fine!

Thanks so much for all your help on Friday, I seriously do not know what I would do without you!!!

roseys madhouse said...

wow look at your beautiful wool!!! I cant believe how much P how grown. I got Santa photo taken yesterday so will email one to you soon

Serena said...

Oh that little face... he's a cutie, definitely a heartbreaker!

Kerry said...

Poor Lambzo was pulling on the heart strings on the weekend, he just didnt want to leave you, even I was getting choked up!!

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