Monday, May 29, 2006
Time warp
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
A red carpet beanie?!?!?!
I must confess...I had 10 minutes access before I parcelled this little beanie up...I love it...I really do.
If you love it too I can knit your version of this can give me an outline of the colour scheme..then lemmie at it! Contact details are in the profile of this blog...
All the very best to you..thanks for popping into Sheepychic bloggings...Ruth xx
mm-mm yum....dates. hehe
Monday, May 15, 2006
Monday, busy Monday.....
All prepared to go off to Kathryn to become something amazing...(no pressure..hehe)
If anybody would like to have a little Sheepychic yarn for themselves please don't break into Kathryn's home a steal her hank! It would be far, far easier to contact me via email and purchase some for yourself! (Details are available though this blog's profile) All hanks are $25 and weigh at least 80gms. If the hank you see is no longer available I can recreate it fairly closely.... Thanks for popping into Sheepychic Bloggings...all the best! Ruthxx
P.S. P.S. P.S. P.S. P.S. P.S. P.S. P.S. P.S. P.S.
If you haven't been able to leave a comment previously please try to again...I LOVE comments and feedback (but no spam...grrrrr) and now adjustments have been made to enable non bloggers to post drop me a'll make my day. (thanks Clint) hehe
Monday, May 08, 2006
When friends get together...magic happens!
I've split this mass of rovings into 2 equal lots of 80 gms each. As you can see I've run one through as a Slubby. I'm going to let Kathryn decide what to do with her half...hehe!! Ohhhhh..I love that yarn!
Thanks to all my all know who your all are...thanks to all who log into Sheepychic Bloggings. Remember: Strangers are only friends that you haven't met yet. All the best, Ruth xx
Sunday, May 07, 2006
What is the plural of 'beanie'?...A Can! A can of beanies!! hehe
Monday, May 01, 2006
Sheepychic winter hats
This fabulous little hood bonnet looks so warm and snuggly, doesn't it! I call this design the Sheepychic 'Briah' hat. This one here is hand painted, handspun 100% alpaca. I love the way it goes right down to the shoulder and ties up to protect the ears. (and bug babies who don't like hats!!)
The back is so cute! I can make it really jazzy or plain and simple. You can see from this photo how the alpaca dyes up into soft, muted colours....lovely for baby hats!
Having said that I have had two orders so far for the Briah hat in adult if you ever see anyone walk past with one on be sure to give them a high 5...and say "Oi! neat hat!!" hehe
Anyway...thanks for having a look! Ruth xx